Visions of Wildflowers Danced in Her Head

I've got sunshine... on a cloudy day

Joy in my heart... peace in my soul

Healing Heartwork, Flowers in Her Hair Hope in Her Heart

This sketchbook art I originally created during the year of the Covid shutdown, yet it has been very symbolic in my life for many years, I have also since fine tuned it and use it as a reminder each week. It is amazing to me how having paper and art supplies in front of me, will allow what I am thinking and feeling to be represented on paper.

After a series of traumatic events quite a few years ago, my doctor sent me to a Neuropsychologist. He looked a little like Albert Einstein, wore dress pants with tennis shoes and spoke few words.

My issue was every night when I would close my eyes, to go to sleep, I would replay two traumatic events that I did not want to replay in my mind. I would lay awake all night fighting with these memories. Sparing you the gory details- my husband had a terrible hand accident while mowing the lawn and my uncle passed away unexpectedly at his home and needed to be identified.

Effective Visualization Technique

The psychologist suggested that I follow these steps:

1. . name and create a vision for a place I love to be, a view that brings me peace.

2. How does this place look, smell, feel and sound?
My place was a wildflower field with the warmth of sunshine on my face.

3. He recommended that each time the thoughts/memories started to creep in, I should take control of them. Say quietly in my mind or out loud- “NO, I am not thinking about that, I am in control” and then shift my attention to this place that brings me peace. (I thought this idea was crazy and wouldn’t work)

4. He indicated that it would take some time and training of my thoughts, he said, “Don’t give up trying it each night.” He reassured me it is ok to do it over and over until the thoughts learn they are not welcome.

So I did this night after night.

And it worked.

At the usual 2am, terrible thoughts tried to consume me. I took a deep breath, thought “NO” to the thoughts and then consciously created the vision of the wildflower field blowing in the the warm breeze, the sun on my eye lids as I lifted my face to the sun and the sweet smell of the flowers. I did this over and over, week after week, until it became automatic, I was able to sleep all night, I was able to stop the bad memories and replace them with a vision of peace. I was so grateful.

Join us for free:

I created a private Facebook group called Create Joy Weekly Challenge, I invite you to join us in sharing inspiration or just to sit quietly and be inspired by others.

Find it here:

Disclaimer: I am not a trained clinical therapist. There is so much power in finding a good therapist. My degrees are a bachelors degree in art education and my masters degree is in facilitation. I have also been calming my own stress and anxiety while finding peace and clarity through art for 45 years.

My mission is to share how I use art so that others may find a healthy outlet and resources for lowering stress and anxiety in their life. I create workshops focused on unique creative processes to support calming your soul & inspire clarity in your purpose.

With love,


The Light of Healing